Friday, March 28, 2025

16 Amazing Health Benefits of Scent Leaves (Ocimum gratissimum)

by | May 25, 2023 66

Botanical Name: Ocimum gratissimum

Preferred Common Name: African basil

International Common Names

  • English: clover basil; East Indian basil; shrubby basil; tree basil
  • Spanish: albahaca Africana; albahaca cimarrona; albahaca de limón
  • French: basilic sauvage; menthe gabonaise
  • Chinese: wu mao ding xiang luo le
  • Portuguese: alfavaca-de-caboclo; alfavacão

Local Common Names

  • Brazil: alfavaca brava
  • Cambodia: ling leak kranam
  • Cuba: albahaca de clavo; canela; clavo; clavo mondonguero; laurel cimarrón; orégano cimarrón
  • Dominican Republic: albahaca vaca; atiyayo
  • Haiti: basilic à petites fleurs; basilic grandes feuilles; folle basin; fombasin; gran basilique; grand basilique; grand fombasin
  • India: ajeka; doshakleshi; elumiccam tulaci; elumichanthulasi; kattuthrithavu; mali-thulasi; perumthulasi; ram tulsi
  • Indonesia: kemangi hutan; ruku-ruku rimba; selaseh mekah
  • Jamaica: African tea bush
  • Lesser Antilles: basilic; frond bazin; mint
  • Malaysia: ruku-ruku hitam; selaseh besar
  • Netherlands Antilles: anis; yerba di hole blanku
  • Nigeria: nchuanwu/ Ahuji (Igbo); efirin (Yoruba); daidoya (Hausa)
  • Panama: origanum de castilla
  • Thailand: horapha-chang; kaphrao-chang; yira
  • Vietnam: é lá lá»›n; hÆ°Æ¡ng nhu trắng

The Scent leaf, botanically known as Ocimum gratissimum, is an aromatic herb that has been introduced extensively across tropical and subtropical regions of the world. It is native to Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroun, Madagascar, Southern Asia, and the Bismarck Archipelago. It has been naturalized in countries such as Polynesia, Hawaii, Brazil, Panama, the West Indies, and Mexico. The plant is normally a perennial homegrown shrub, although it can be found in the wild, and is used mainly as a spice for cooking delicacies due to its aromatic taste.

Now, it is easy to dismiss this plant as just another sweet-smelling plant but it is more than just that. The plant boasts a lot of antibacterial, antifungal, larvicidal, and antipyretic activities that give it a prominent role in the treatment and prevention of diseases and infections. Scent Leaves contain vital bioactive substances which confer it with the above-mentioned activities including; tannins, phenols, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin A, and more, all of which are essential for human health.

For a better appreciation of the uniqueness of this plant, its amazing benefits are here outlined;

1. Maintenance of the eyes

Scent leaf is rich in Vitamin A, which promotes good eyesight. Vitamin A is needed by the retina of the eyes in the form of retinal which combines with protein opsin to form rhodopsin, the light-absorbing molecule which is ultimately necessary for both scotopic vision (low-light) and color vision.

The deficiency of vitamin A can be terrible for the eyes leading to xerophthalmia (a medical condition in which the eye fails to produce tears) and night blindness both of which are preventable when adequate amounts of scent leaves are consumed.

Excess intake of vitamin A and by extension, the scent leaves, by pregnant women can lead to birth defects and is not recommended. Also, Information regarding safety and efficacy in lactation is lacking.

2. Improves heart function

Scent leaves contain calcium and magnesium, both of which help to reduce bad cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein cholesterol) and increase blood circulation. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterols increase the risk of Coronary Artery Disease in adults and so the intake of scent leaves can reduce this ever-present risk.

Heart and artery problems resulting from the clogging of arteries are nearly preventable if adequate amounts of scent leaves are consumed.

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3. Aids digestion

Scent leaves can help relieve bloating and also help digest meals on time. Brewed scent leaves can have a calming effect on the stomach and help with bowel evacuation. Drinking scent leaves tea also relieves heartburn.

4. Lowers blood sugar

Scent leaves have an unprecedented ability to lower blood sugar and protect the pancreatic islets that produce insulin from damage. A research study conducted on mice showed that scent leaves were efficacious in lowering blood sugar levels.

Another randomized study equally showed a decrease in blood sugar levels in Non-Insulin Dependent (NID) Diabetes Mellitus patients after eating significant amounts of scent leaves.

5. Insect and mosquito repellent

Scent leaves contain compounds like camphor, cineole, and limonene which are larvicidal and so are harmful to mosquitoes or insects. The leaves can be potted and left in residential quarters to serve as a repellent for houseflies, mosquitoes, and other insects.

This has a double role given that by reducing the population of mosquitoes and houseflies in residences, the incidences of malaria and enteric diseases (caused by houseflies) are both reduced.

6. Treatment of fungal infections

Studies have shown scent leaves to have antifungal activity against Penicillium chrysogenum (also known as Penicillium notatum), Candida albicans, and Microsporeum gyseum. Chloroform extracts from the leaves showed great antifungal activity against the fungal species mentioned. Thus, scent leaves when crushed and smeared on skin infections, help in its treatment.

7. Treatment of Diarrhea

Ethanol and hot water (100oC) extracts of scent leaves have been extensively demonstrated to be effective against some pathogenic bacteria known to cause diarrhea including Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Shigella sp. and Salmonella sp. It is thus conceivable that scent leaves can be brewed as tea to treat cases of diarrhea caused by the above organisms.

Also, the use of scent leaves in the control of diarrhea can be attributed to the relaxant action of the essential oil of O. gratissimum which is likely to be due to a direct effect on the smooth muscle of the ileum rather than an indirect action on neurotransmitter release.

8. Anti-Inflammatory properties

Scent leaves have been shown to possess anti-inflammatory properties akin to drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen but are kinder to the inner linings of the stomach. Decoction made from leaves of O. gratissimum is useful for healing menstrual pain, stomach ache, earache, and fever.

9. Treatment of respiratory disorders

Aqueous extracts of scent leaves have demonstrated effects on markers of inflammation, including interleukins, protein kinases, and leukocytes/eosinophils in models of respiratory allergy (in vitro experiments evaluating effects on airway epithelial cells, in vivo studies in rodents) and thus can be used in managing respiratory problems.

The leaves are rubbed between the palms and sniffed as a treatment for blocked nostrils.

10. Promotes oral hygiene

The stem of scent leaf when used as chewing stick kills bacteria in the mouth and help fight off bad breath. It is also able to prevent tooth decay. Tea made from the leaves of scent leaf can be taken as a tonic or used as a gargle to treat sore throat.

11. Antimutagenic properties

Edible plants with antimutagenic activity and chemopreventive potential have been documented from several plant groups. Investigations have shown that organic solvent extracts of scent leaves have antimutagenic effects against reverse mutation induced by ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS), 4-nitrophenylenediamine, and 2-aminofluorine.

12. Wound healing activity

Scent leaf is widely used in the dressing of neonatal umbilical cord and wounds as it is believed to keep the baby’s umbilical cord and wound surfaces sterile. The wound healing effects of scent leaf may be attributed to its ability to increase vascular permeability.

Formulations of the leaf essential oil of O. gratissimum (Ocimum oil) have been incorporated in a variety of bases as topical antiseptics and for use in the treatment of boils and pimples.

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13. Promotes normal hair growth

Hair loss is one of the most feared side effects of cancer chemotherapy. Investigations by Orafidiya et al., showed the efficacy of the leaf essential oil of scent leaves (Ocimum oil) in promoting hair growth and follicular proliferation in cyclophosphamide-induced hair loss.

14. Reproductive health

Scent leaf is a good source of arginine, an amino acid that helps in the maintenance of optimum penile health and sperm vitality. It also contains compounds such as epigenin fenkhona and eugenol which can facilitate erection.

In addition, the anetol and boron in the leaves are capable of inducing estrogen in women while the same eugenol effective in men helps to kill fungus that has been implicated in vaginal discharge.

15. Food preservatives

Scent leaves have been reported to have antimicrobial properties. The fact that its extracts are plant-based implies that the ethanol extract can be used as a potent food preservative to keep away bacteria and fungi that may otherwise cause food spoilage. This presents a cheaper and possibly healthier alternative to the more popular preservatives.

16. Source of aromatics and Oils

The oil extracts obtainable from scent leaves have a wide spectrum of usage. The essential oils can be used for aromatherapy massage as the oils can relieve and refresh the body. The oils can equally be used in the manufacture of soaps, perfumes, ointments, and aromatherapy oils.

There are so many other unconfirmed uses of this powerful plant including; reduction of nicotine levels, ceremonial washing of corpses (in Indonesia) etc. One thing that is clear is that the plant is more than meets the nose and must be better researched and utilized before its beauty in its entirety can be duly appreciated.


  • Agholor K., Yaki L., Abubakar I., Olusola L., and Zubairu R. (2018). Antibacterial activity of Ocimum gratissimum (scent leaf) on some pathogenic gastrointestinal bacteria. African Journal of Microbiology Research, 12(40); 923-929.
  • Amengialue, O., Edobor, O., and Egharevba, A. Antibacterial Activity of Extracts of Ocimum gratissimum on Bacteria Associated with Diarrhoea. Bayero Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 6(2): 143 – 145.
  • Duester, G. (2008). Retinoic acid synthesis and signaling during early organogenesis. Cell, 134 (6): 921-31.
  • Jiao, Z., Li, L., Zhao, Z., Liu, D., Lin, B., and Li, H. (2013). Aqueous extracts of Ocimum grasstimum inhibits lipopolysaccharide-induced interleukin-6 and interleukin-8 expression in airway epithelial cell BEAS-2B. Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine, 19(10):741-748.
  • Nakamura C., Nakamura T., Bando E., Melo A., Cortez D., and Filho B (1999). Antibacterial activities of Ocimum gratissimum L essential oil. Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, 94:675–678.
  • Orafidiya, L., Agbani, E., Adelusola, K., Iwalewa, E., Adebanji, O., Adediran, E., and Agbani, N. (2004). A study on the effect of the essential oil of Ocimun gratissimum Linn. on cyclophosphamide-induced inhibited hair growth in pulp rats. The International Journal of  Aromatherapy, 14: 119-28.
  • Prabhu, K., Lobo, R., Shirwaikar, A., and  Shirwaikar, A. (2009). Ocimum gratissimum: A Review of its Chemical, Pharmacological and Ethnomedicinal Properties. The Open Complementary Medicine Journal, 1, 1-15.
  • Silva M., Oliveira J., Fernades O., Passos S., Costa C., Souza L., Lemos J., and Paula J. (2005). Antifungal activities of Ocimum gratisimum towards dermatophytes. Journal of  Ethnopharmacology, 48:72–86.


  1. Paul Dafiakpor says:

    The number two function of scent leaves here is proper heart function! Meaning it can be used in treating heart dieases to some level, so my question is! When scent leaves is boiled and taken as tea on an empty stomach in the morning and the last drink at night help minimise the risk of hepatitis b or help to eliminate it?
    And destroy bad cholesterol when taken as Tea?

  2. Otu Chinyere says:

    Thanks for the information.

  3. DeWayne Strong says:

    Will taken Nchuanwu scent leaf as a tea , help my eyes, heart , and stomach at the same time?

  4. Amaka says:

    Thank you immensely!

  5. Saadatu Hamma says:

    Great information thank you.can I dry the leaves and use and still get the same results?

    • Pharmapproach says:

      Yes, you can. But remember that the drying technique used may affect the concentration of the constituents in the final product.

  6. Fendi says:

    Thank u

  7. Gladys emeka says:

    Can I blend the leaf and drink the juice

  8. Dan Samuel says:

    Thank you so much for educating us

  9. Mulikat Isa says:

    Thanks so much! Indeed nothing beats nature

  10. ehis says:

    what is the best way to take scent leave

  11. Go Healthy says:

    amazing write up

  12. Fy says:

    I dry my scent leaves naturally by leaving it out in the sun, hope I’m not loosing any nutrients by so doing..

  13. Greatness says:

    Am impressed with the information

  14. Ben says:

    Scent leaf can be boiled before drinking or we drink it without not boiled?

  15. Joh says:

    please, what is the appropriate time to take the drink?. Is it good to take it on empty stomach?

  16. Cynthia says:

    Thanks for the education, can it be mixed with other leaves like, bitter leave or dandelion or it should be taken alone.

  17. Okhiomah Abu says:

    Scent leaves are better air dried. Drying directly in the sun can possibly reduce the potency of some of the bioactive compounds.

  18. Agbomson Christian says:

    Thank you for the information.
    Please how many times do l drink
    the scent leaves per day ?
    Again can l blend in more quatities
    and kept for drinking sir?

    • Pharmapproach says:

      You are welcome. The scent leaves can be taken once or twice per day. It’s not advisable to blend and store for more than 3day, it’s better to prepare it when you are using it for treatment.

  19. Wemmyyemmy says:

    Thank you sir for the information

  20. CHIBUZOR Okafor says:

    Can I shew it raw without boiling

  21. Paul says:

    Please can scent leave cure infection like staphylococcus,syphilis and more sir

  22. Nnamdi Udeawka says:

    Thank you very much dear,
    I boiled scent leave and drink the tea for a week and my knee pain/swollen vernished .
    My warmth regards

  23. Obere Stella says:

    Thanks for the info

  24. Stephen says:

    Thanks for the response. I want to know if I can blend scent leaves with coconut water and the possible result.

    • Pharmapproach says:

      It’s not advisable. Reason is that coconut both the water, the seed and the oil are drug naturalizer.

  25. Enemadunkwu says:

    Can we cook it as vegetable soup, eat it and still have all it’s heath benefits?

  26. Asomaning peter says:

    Can scent leaves cure ulcers

    • Pharmapproach says:

      Scent leaf may be of much benefit for an ulcer patient. Because a few studies have shown scent leaf extract to be effective for gastric ulcers.

  27. Sunny says:

    Very informative and educative. Well done and thank you for helping to save the world. At what point can we say that scent leave is in overdose?

  28. Kalu Orji says:

    How many leaves and what quantity of water can be taken as a dose?
    Thanks for your immeasurable assistance to the entire globe. God bless you and may He give you more insight for deeper studies on this natural gift.

    • Pharmapproach says:

      5 to 10 leaves is okay, and for the quantity of water 5ml of water.

  29. Daniel says:

    Thank Sir for sharing these great ideas

  30. Hamzat Idayat Yetunde says:

    Thanks so much for the information.. my question is can the squeeze scent leave water be given to children above a year..

  31. Gloria shalom says:

    Can I mixed scent leaves and lemon grass for malaria

  32. Ekanem Sam says:

    Thank you so much, God bless you!

  33. Healthbeign says:

    Interesting thank you

  34. Blessing Shaibu says:

    Greate lesson learn today.
    Thank you.

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