Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Basic Admission Requirements for Studying Pharmacy in Nigeria

by | September 7, 2021 81

A pharmacist is trained and educated for a wide range of scientific, professional and managerial functions which best serve the needs of the community and possess sufficient adaptability to meet the demands and challenges of a changing health care delivery system.

Get facts about basic admission requirements for studying pharmacy in Nigeria, accredited universities for pharmacy programmes in Nigeria, pharmacy curriculum and core courses in pharmacy.

Admission Requirements for Studying Pharmacy in Nigeria

WAEC subject combination/ requirements for Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) candidates

A candidate who wishes to study pharmacy is expected to have five (5) Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE) credit passes in

  • English Language
  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Chemistry and
  • Biology

This subject combination is also applicable to other O’ level examinations such as National Examination Council (NECO) and General Certificate Examination (GCE) also known as WAEC GCE.

A-level subject/ result requirements for Direct Entry candidates

In addition to the required WAEC subject combination for pharmacy, Direct Entry candidates are required to have Three (3)“A” level passes in Chemistry, Biology/Zoology and Physics or Mathematics.

JAMB UTME Subjects combination/ requirements for Pharmacy

  • Use of English (compulsory)
  • Physics
  • Chemistry and
  • Biology.

Other Considerations include: –

  • University of Ilorin, Niger Delta University, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, and University of Uyo require the five O-level credit passes in not more than two sittings.
  • For Direct Entry: Ensure that you have a Bachelor’s degree in biological sciences or a related field.

UTME cut-off marks for pharmacy

While the Joint Admissions and Matriculations Board (JAMB) has the power to set UTME cut-off marks for universities, some schools may have an understanding with JAMB to increase or decrease cut off marks due to personal school policy. It is worth mentioning that UTME cut-off mark is different from departmental cut-off mark or what is often referred to as Post UTME cut-off mark.

The Post UTME cut-off is usually higher than UTME cut-off mark and it varies form from institution to institution. The higher your Post UTME score, the greater your chances are of getting into the university. But even a perfect Post UTME score is no guarantee of admission at the most selective institutions especially if your UTME score is poor.

To be on a safer side it is advisable that you score high in both UTME and Post UTME.

Read Also: How To Become A Pharmacist in 4 Steps

Accredited Universities for Pharmacy Programmes in Nigeria

According to Pharmacists Council of Nigeria (PCN), the following schools are accredited for training of pharmacists in Nigeria

  1. Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Oyo State
  2. Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lagos, Lagos State
  3. Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Kaduna State
  4. Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State
  5. Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Jos, Plateau State
  6. Faculty of Pharmacy, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun State
  7. Faculty of Pharmacy, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Sagamu, Ogun State
  8. Faculties of Pharmacy, University of Uyo, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State
  9. Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Benin, Benin City, Edo State
  10. Faculty of Pharmacy, Niger Delta University, Wilberforce Island, Bayelsa State
  11. Faculty of Pharmacy, Madonna University, Elele, Rivers State
  12. Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri, Borno State
  13. Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State
  14. Faculty of Pharmacy, Igbinedion University, Okada, Edo State
  15. Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Rivers State.
  16. Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Usmanu Danfodio University, Sokoto, Sokoto State.
  17. Faculty of Pharmacy, Delta State University, Abraka, Delta State.
  18. Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Kwara State.
  19. Faculty of Pharmacy, Gombe State University, Gombe, Gombe State.
  20. Faculty of Pharmacy, Kaduna State University, Kaduna State.

Read More: Updated List of Universities Offering Pharmacy Programmes in Nigeria [2021]

Pharmacy Curriculum

Any professional curriculum must be based upon a firm foundation of basic courses.  In Pharmacy, these are courses in the physical and biological sciences. The understanding of the biological action of drugs requires knowledge of the fundamental principles of human anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry. A good appreciation of mathematics as applied to biological and physiochemical systems is required.

Core Courses in Pharmacy

An important phenomenon in pharmacy is that the degree course is an integrated study of the pharmaceutical sciences. Traditionally, at least four core subjects have been studied, but the boundaries between them are not distinct as emphasis is placed on their interrelationships.

Students complete the following core courses to earn Bachelor of Pharmacy (B. Pharm.) or Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) degree from accredited institutions:

  1. Pharmaceutical Chemistry
  2. Pharmacognosy
  3. Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology and Pharmaceutical Microbiology
  4. Pharmacology
  5. Clinical Pharmacy and Biopharmacy
  6. Pharmacy Practice and Management

1. Pharmaceutical Chemistry

The study of the structure and properties of chemical substances of natural and synthetic origin which are used in medicine, and the relationship of these structures to biological activity.  This study includes physical, inorganic, organic, analytical, synthetic, medicinal chemistry, and physical instrumentation.

2. Pharmacognosy

The study of the biology, biochemistry, purification, analysis, and commerce of natural (plant and animal) drugs.

3. Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology and Pharmaceutical Microbiology

The study and application of physical and chemical properties of substances used in medicine to the formulation and production of medicinal products. It includes the study of pharmaceutical formulations and dispensing, technology, pharmaceutical microbiology, physical and forensic pharmacy.

4. Pharmacology

The study of the biological action and use of drugs. It includes the study of human diseases and their chemotherapy, the uses and side effects of drugs and what the body does to the drugs.

5. Clinical Pharmacy and Biopharmacy

This is the area of pharmacy training with emphasis on drug administration, drug performance, drug interactions and drug supplies to the users.  In practice, it is patient-oriented and includes not only the dispensing of required medications but also advising the patient on the proper use of all medications.  It also prepares the future pharmacist to play the proper role as an information source and adviser to the other health professionals on all matters related to drugs and their dosage forms and toxicity.

Biopharmacy is the aspect which deals with the properties of the drug dosage forms in the body as they affect the bioavailability and hence therapeutic effectiveness.

6. Pharmacy Practice and Management

It entails basic instructions in general administration and management principles, pharmacy business administrations and the principles and practices of business and law, as they apply to pharmacy practices.

Note: All pharmacy students receive instructions on the national existing laws affecting the practice of pharmacy (forensic pharmacy), and on the Ethics of Pharmacy Profession.

Hope this article serves as a course guide to studying pharmacy. If you have any more questions as regards the basic admission requirements for studying pharmacy in Nigeria do not hesitate to ask using the comment section. Also, check out our article on Career Opportunities for Pharmacists.

Related Keywords: jamb score for pharmacy, waec subject combination for pharmacy, jamb subjects for pharmacy, o’ level requirement for pharmacy, jamb cut off mark for pharmacy, direct entry pharmacy programs, best university for pharmacy in Nigeria, is physics compulsory for pharmacy in jamb


  1. Lamidi Nafisat Adewunmi says:

    Kudos to you..
    Is there any age limit for the course?

  2. Abubakar Sani says:

    Hi good evening is it possible to gain admission into DE pharmacy with diploma in pharmaceatical technian in any university

  3. Junior says:

    Can I gain admission via DE into pharmacy with Bsc physiology?


    Can i study pharmacy with my NCE result?

    • Pharmapproach says:

      For you to study pharmacy as a direct entry candidate, you need Three (3)“A” level passes in Chemistry, Biology/Zoology, and Physics or Mathematics in addition to the required WAEC subject combination for pharmacy or have a Bachelor’s degree in the biological sciences or a related field.

  5. Adedapo says:

    Here is my neco GCE result
    BIOLOGY. _ C4
    PHYSICS. _ E8
    MATHS. _ B3
    This is the results which i want to tender can I use it alone to study pharmacy without jamb because I have already obtain NCE certificate

    • Pharmapproach says:

      Your NECO GCE result does not meet the criteria for studying pharmacy because you did not credit physics. The rule says credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and, Biology. Also noticed you omitted English Language.

  6. Adedapo says:

    I have C6 in English.
    I will sit for another type of SSCE. Can I process admission if i have the grade of requirement in physical on the 2nd sitting which i may apply to the first. . . can it be proceeded without jamb result when I have already obtain NCE result.

    • Pharmapproach says:

      Yes, you can but you have to remember that some schools do not accept five O-level credit passes in more than two sittings. Can you please throw more lights on your second question. I apologize for my delayed response.

    • Pharmapproach says:

      Yes, you can but you have to remember that some schools do not accept five O-level credit passes in more than two sittings. Can you please throw more lights on your second question. I apologize for my delayed response.

  7. Peace says:

    Please, i have C4, C5, C6 in all my required subjects (SSCE) and i really wants to study Pharmacy, is there any chance of gaining admission?

    • Pharmapproach says:

      Yes, you can gain admission to study pharmacy in any of the accredited universities in Nigeria if you score very high JAMB and also meet the school’s post UTME cutoff.

  8. Olawale says:

    Can I be admitted through DE to study pharmacy with a degree in chemistry?

    • Pharmapproach says:

      No. The requirement is Bachelor’s degree in biological sciences or a related field.

  9. Ebube says:

    Please I have
    English ___C6
    Physics___ B3
    In my ssce can I go for direct entry in unn
    Or if not what should be my cut off mark for pharmacy

    • Pharmapproach says:

      Direct entry is for candidates with Bachelor’s degree in biological sciences or a related field. Please, read “UTME cut-off marks for pharmacy” section of the article for more clarification.

  10. Charity says:

    Can pharm D be earned as a first degree?

  11. Success Essien says:

    I have 2sittings ssce result, one of the certificate is 2011 and the new one is 2015 can I combine the two???

  12. Roseline says:

    Can i apply for pharmacy with bachelor degree of Applied biochemistry

  13. Faith says:

    Pls, After studying science laboratory technology in a polytechnic can I do direct entry to study pharmacy in a university

    • Pharmapproach says:

      Yes, you can. But remember that requirements vary from one institution to another. You should check JAMB brochure or school website for more details.

  14. Anthony says:

    Can I apply direct entry with pharmacy technician certificate if I have all the requirements needed???

  15. Muhammad says:

    Is BUK accredited for one to study pharmacy ?

  16. Please I have English c6, Mathematics B3, chemistry D7, Biology D7, Physics c6

    • Pharmapproach says:

      Your WAEC result did not meet the basic requirement for studying pharmacy. You are expected to have five (5) Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE) credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. I am sorry for my delayed response.

  17. Samaila ezekiel says:

    Here is my weac results
    Maths B3
    Physics B3
    Biology C3
    Chemistry B3
    Can I study pharmacy without writing jamb

    • Pharmapproach says:

      Yes, you can IF you have a Bachelor’s degree in biological sciences or a related field.

  18. Ugochi says:

    Between ESUT and UNN which one is the best for studing pharmacy.

    • Pharmapproach says:

      UNN is accredited by Pharmacists Council of Nigeria (PCN) for training of pharmacists in Nigeria whereas ESUT is yet to be accredited.

  19. Nora Tonia says:

    I have C5 in English
    Physics B3
    Chemistry B2
    mathematics B3
    Biology B2

    Am I fit to study pharmacy?

  20. Ebube says:

    I got 53 in English
    32 in physics
    40in biology
    25 in chemistry

    • Pharmapproach says:

      The above JAMB score is poor and I doubt if you would be able to compete with candidates that score high in JAMB.

  21. Moruf Idris says:

    Math B3
    Eng C4
    Phys C6
    Bio B3
    Chem B3
    With jamb score 187.
    Where can I study pharmacy in Lagos state with dis score

    • Pharmapproach says:

      You met the Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE) criteria for studying pharmacy but your JAMB score is very poor and I doubt if would be able to compete with candidates that scored high in UTME.

  22. Moruf Idris says:

    Am also an indigin and I choose LASU as my 1st choice

    • Pharmapproach says:

      Please, read ‘UTME cut-off marks for pharmacy’ section of the article.

  23. Atunrase Opeyemi Abiodun says:

    Pls can I use pharmacy technology certificate to study pharmacy direct entry in the university

  24. Sits says:

    Can I study pharmacy in fuoye with 247 in 2021 jamb

    • Pharmapproach says:

      247 is relatively a nice score but you have to put more effort to score high in Post UTME. You can revisit the “UTME cut-off marks for pharmacy” section of the article.

  25. Bosede says:

    Pls can I study pharmacy with this
    Eng c6
    Math b3
    Phycis c5
    Chemistry b2
    Biology c4

    • Pharmapproach says:

      Yes, and your JAMB UTME Subjects combination/ requirements for Pharmacy: Use of English (compulsory), Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.

  26. Charles Ikdavpedro says:

    I have C in the most of subject required, can I study pharmacy?

    • Pharmapproach says:

      That you have C’s in most of the subjects required does not mean you can not study pharmacy. Your chances of gaining admission to study pharmacy depend on your jamb score.

  27. Goodness says:

    Pls I have
    English B2
    Maths A1
    Chemistry B3
    Physics B3
    Biology B3
    Can I study pharmacy _direct entry in any university

  28. Peter says:

    I have C4 In english, B3 in maths, B3 in biology, B2 in chemistry, C4 physics in neco. Can i use it to enter university to study pharmacy.

    • Pharmapproach says:

      Yes, you can but the chances lie on your jamb score. Did you score high in your jamb?

  29. Peter says:

    What are the subject required for jamb to study pharmacy

    • Pharmapproach says:

      The required subjects are English, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics.

  30. Edidiong says:

    Can i study pharmacy
    english c4
    chemistry c4
    physics c4
    math c4
    nabteb result precisely.

  31. Etu says:

    I finished chemistry can I study pharmacy

    • Pharmapproach says:

      You can apply, but first, you need to get more information from the school you are applying for to study pharmacy.

  32. Blessing says:

    Pls can i study pharmacy in uni lag or oau with a jamb score of 214

    • Pharmapproach says:

      To be honest, your jamb score is low compared to the pharmacy cut-off mark last year. It should be expected that you score above 300 at most and score above 300 in your post-umte.

  33. Queen says:

    Here is my waec result English b3, maths b3, biology b3, chemistry b2, physis c6, can i study pharmacy

    • Pharmapproach says:

      Your results based on the core subjects are really good. You can gain admission to study pharmacy in any tertiary institution of your choice. As it stands now, your chances of gaining admission depend on your Jamb Score and post-utme. Thanks and good luck.


    Can I study pharmacy with first Degree in Animal production and Health sciences for direct entry in Nigeria university

    • Pharmapproach says:

      It depends on the institutions. We advise you to visit your desired institutions and make enquiries okay.

  35. Oziiii says:

    Can I study pharmacy with bsc in statistics

    • Pharmapproach says:

      Pharmacy is a professional course that you need to follow a due process before you can be admitted to study. Register for your jamb exam, write the exam and go for post-utme. If you score above the cut-off mark for pharmacy then your admission to study pharmacy is assured.

  36. I studied agric in NCE and now i want to study Pharmacy, but I have E8 in physics and Biology and I scored C in English, math,chemistry, Animal husbandry and Geography in my neco, please advise me.

    • Pharmapproach says:

      To be able to study pharmacy, you need to credit your core subjects including Use of English and Mathematics.

      These are the required subject to write in JAMB if you want to study pharmacy.
      1) Use of English
      2) Biology
      3) Chemistry
      4) Physics

      The honest truth is that you didn’t credit Physics and Biology in your neco, what about your Waec? So you have to enroll in Waec/Neco to credit your subjects, that’s the first step.

  37. Ezekiel chimuanya says:

    You guys are really trying keep up the good work

  38. Eloviano favour says:

    I want to study pharmacy should i write pharmacy in my first choice of career in jamb or i should be more precise for example pharmacy practice and management

    • Pharmapproach says:

      Just write pharmacy in your choice of career/course of study.

  39. Prosper says:

    Can i fill maths,chemistry,biology and english in jamb

    • Pharmapproach says:

      No, to study pharmacy in Nigeria, the core subjects to fill are Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English.

  40. Jewel says:

    My physics waec result was cancelled can I still write physics in jamb and apply for pharmacy

    • Pharmapproach says:

      Yes, but you need to re-seat for waec exams and credit your subjects including English and Mathematics before re-applying for pharmacy in Jamb.

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