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How To Win The Trust Of An Unhappy Patient

by | January 11, 2024 0

Dealing with a dissatisfied patient can be difficult, but if approached sensibly, any blunder can be turned on its head and used to make a lasting positive impact. After all, while a mistake is memorable, it’s not quite as memorable as the efficient handling and rectification of an error. This phenomenon even has a name: the service recovery paradox. 


In this article, I will discuss how to win the trust of dissatisfied patients and even use the situation to your advantage. 

Acknowledge Your Patients’ Complaints

When making a complaint, often a patient isn’t seeking out a practical solution to their problem; rather, they just want to heard. Don’t bury your head in the sand and hope the issue will work itself out. “By simply acknowledging the patient’s issue and displaying empathy and understanding, you will instil trust in the client and assure them that you take an interest in their opinion,” advises Amanda Reed, writer at Assignment Help and Revieweal.

Even just responding to your client’s complaint will help you stand out from the crowd, as over 58% of patients have reported not receiving a response to critical feedback. 


Handling Google Reviews

Google is one of the most common platforms for dissatisfied clients to air their grievances. As such, it’s very important that you know how to respond to negative Google reviews in a way that will rebuild your relationship and encourage trust.


When navigating bad feedback on Google, bear the following tips in mind:

  • Respond quickly:- Try to respond to negative reviews within 24 hours, but not if this comes at the expense of a professional, well-crafted response. 
  • Assess the situation:- Before responding, take a look at the cold, hard facts. When did the patient visit? Who did they speak to? Have they visited previously? Has there been any other correspondence?
  • Craft your response:- Be sure to address the patient’s concerns while keeping your response succinct. Own the problem, apologize for it, and make it clear how you plan to fix the issue. Make sure any promises can be kept.
  • Reassure others:- Make sure any salient points in the review have been addressed. This is your opportunity to reassure any prospective patients that any issues will be taken care of.
  • Be polite:- Regardless of the content of the review, remember your manners and thank the reviewer for their input and for bringing their issues to your attention.

By following the steps above, you can demonstrate that you take patient feedback seriously and are willing to engage when something goes wrong. As well as offering reassurance to the dissatisfied patient, a well-crafted response to a Google review presents the opportunity to win the trust of any prospective patients. 

Read more: Customer Loyalty: How To Build Trust With Your Customers

Private Or Public: How Should You Respond?

“While it can be tempting to respond to a negative review in private, a public response is a very effective way to assuage an unhappy patient while signaling to prospective patients that you are a responsive healthcare provider who is interested in the experience of those who use their services,” explains Daniel Graham, journalist writer at UKWritings and OXEssays.

However, when responding to a review publicly, it’s essential that you ensure that your response does not fall foul of HIPAA or other data protection guidelines. Even something as innocuous as confirming that a client was treated in your practice could catch you out. 

Pay attention to the relevant data protection guidelines for your area. Where possible, keep things general. If the complaint specifically requires confirmation of personal details, invite the patient to contact you privately to discuss the matter further. This is a sure way to abide by HIPAA guidance while issuing a public response. 


Final Thoughts

Patient feedback can make or break a business. Instead of shying away from critical reviews, use the opportunity to let your patient liaison skills shine and improve the perception of your practice. A sincere response and efficient resolution to a problem will often overshadow the problem itself and will help portray your business as professional, trustworthy, and patient-focused. 


Jenny Han works at Essayroo and Custom Essay as a business development writer. She has been married for ten years, giving her ample opportunity to perfect the art of the apology. Also, she is a blogger at Online Assignment Help.

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