Friday, March 28, 2025

Tag: Dryers

picture of a spray dryer

Spray Dryer

Spray drying is a one-step continuous unit operation that employs liquid atomization to produce droplets that are dried to individual particles when moved in a…
picture of a spray dryer

Spray Dryer

picture of a rotary dryer

Rotary Dryer

The rotary dryer also known as tumbling dryer is an equipment employed to minimize the moisture content of feed materials by bringing it in direct…
picture of a rotary dryer

Rotary Dryer

picture of a fluidized bed dryer

Fluidized Bed Dryer

Fluidized bed dryer (also called fluid bed dryer) is a kind of equipment used extensively in the pharmaceutical industries to reduce the moisture content of…
picture of a fluidized bed dryer

Fluidized Bed Dryer
