Tuesday, March 11, 2025

WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region Country Offices

by | January 8, 2025 0

The World Health Organization (WHO) is the directing and coordinating authority for public health within the United Nations system. The WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean is one of WHO’s 6 regional offices around the world. It serves the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region, which comprises 21 Member States and Palestine (West Bank and Gaza Strip), with a population of nearly 583 million people.

This page contains a comprehensive list of WHO Eastern Mediterranean region country offices

World Health Organization Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean

Address: Monazamet El Seha El Alamia Str, Extension of Abdel Razak El Sanhouri Street, P.O. Box 7608, Nasr City, Cairo 11371, Egypt
Tel: (+20) 2 22765000
Fax: (+20) 2 23492092, (+20) 2 23492075
Website: www.emro.who.int


Address: UNOCA Compound, Jalalabad Road Pul-e-Charkhi Kabul, Afghanistan.
Tel:  +93700045276
Email: emacoafgwr@who.int
Country Office Website: www.emro.who.int/countries/afg


Address: n/a
Country Office Website: www.emro.who.int/countries/bah


Address: Post Box 2085 Djibouti, Djibouti
Tel: +253 21 320711
Fax: +253 21 355124
Email: emacodjiwr@who.int
Country Office Website: www.emro.who.int/fr/countries/dji


Address: PO Box No. 146, Cairo 11516
Tel: +202 27957706
Fax: +202 27953756
Email: emwroegy@who.int
Country Office Website: www.emro.who.int/countries/egy

Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Address: PO Box 14665-1565, Tehran
Email: whoteh@ira.emro.who.int
Country Office Website: www.emro.who.int/countries/irn


Address: Karadat Mariam Baghdad, Iraq
Tel: +9626 5543674
Fax: +9626 5510437
Email: emwroirq@who.int
Country Office Website: www.emro.who.int/countries/irq


Address: 811547 11181 – Amman, Jordan
Tel: +962 6 5684651
Fax: +962 6 5667533
Email: emwrojor@who.int
Country Office Website: www.emro.who.int/countries/jor

Read Also: World Health Organization (WHO) African Region Country Offices


Address: n/a
Country Office Website: www.emro.who.int/countries/kwt


Address: P. O. Box 539 Beirut, Lebanon
Tel: +9611612970
Fax: 9611612972
Email: emwroleb@who.int
Country Office Website: http://www.emro.who.int/countries/lbn


Address: Boîte postale 111 – Cité EL-Mahrajène 1082 – Tunis, Tunisia
Tel: +218 21 4630994
Fax: +218 21 4630994
Email: emwroliy@who.int
Country Office Website: www.emro.who.int/countries/lby


Address: Boîte postale 812 10000 – Rabat, Méchouar, Morocco
Tel: +212 537 632259
Fax: +212 537 632209
Email: emacomorwr@who.int
Country Office Website: www.emro.who.int/fr/countries/mor


Address: PO Box 1889, 112 Ruwi – Muscat, Oman
Tel: +968 24 600989
Fax: +968 24 602637
Email: emacoomawr@who.int
Country Office Website: www.emro.who.int/countries/omn


Address: PO Box 1013 44000 – Islamabad, Pakistan
Tel: +92 518 432 400, +92 51 925 5184, +92 51 925 5185, +92 51 925 5077
Fax: +92 51 925 5083
Email: emacopakwr@who.int
Country Office Website: www.emro.who.int/countries/pak

Palestine, see Occupied Palestinian territory

Address: Abu Obaida Ibn El Jarrah Street, 10, P.O. Box 54812, Jerusalem via Israel
Tel: +972 (0) 540 0595
Fax: +972 (0)2581 0193
Country Office Website: www.emro.who.int/countries/pse


Address: 7608 11371 – Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt
Tel: +202 227 65091
Fax: +202 227 65416
Email: qatdesk@emro.who.int
Country Office Website: www.emro.who.int/countries/qat

Saudi Arabia

Address: PO Box 5583 King Abdul Aziz Road 11432 – Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Tel: +96611 4743326
Fax: +96611 2062545
Email: emsaa@who.int
Country Office Website: www.emro.who.int/countries/sau


Address: 63565 – 00619 Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254 20 7622840
Fax: +254 20 7623725
Email: wroffice@nbo.emro.who.int
Country Office Website: www.emro.who.int/countries/som


Address: PO Box 2234 Khartoum, Sudan
Tel: +249 183 760405
Fax: +249 183 776282
Email: emacosudwr@who.int
Country Office Website: www.emro.who.int/countries/sdn

Syrian Arab Republic

Address: 3946 Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic
Tel: +963 11 3329315
Fax: +963 11 3330289
Email: emwrosyr@who.int
Country Office Website: www.emro.who.int/countries/syr


Address: Boîte postale 111 – Cité EL-Mahrajène 1082 – Tunis, Tunisia
Tel: +216 711 55604
Fax: +216 711 55634
Email: emacotunwr@who.int
Country Office Website: www.emro.who.int/fr/countries/tun

United Arab Emirates

Address: Abdul Razzak Al Sanhouri Street, opposite Children’s Library 11371 – Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt
Tel: +20 2 2276 5096
Fax: +20 2 2670 2492
Email: UAEdesk@emro.who.int
Country Office Website: www.emro.who.int/countries/are


Address: 543 Sana’a, Yemen
Tel: +967 1 252213
Fax: +967 1 251612
Email: emacoyemwr@who.int
Country Office Website: www.emro.who.int/countries/yem

Related Keywords: WHO regional office for the eastern Mediterranean, WHO regional offices, WHO emro regional director, emro stands for, emro eastern Mediterranean, WHO regions, emro departments, WHO regional office for Africa

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