Tuesday, March 25, 2025

World Health Organization (WHO) African Region Country Offices

by | January 8, 2025 0

The World Health Organization Regional (WHO) Office for Africa is one of WHO’s 6 regional offices around the world. It serves the WHO African Region, which comprises 47 Member States with the Regional Office in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo. As the lead health authority within the United Nations (UN) system, WHO works with the Member States in the African Region and development partners to improve the health and well-being of people. This involves translation of global health initiatives into regional plans that respond to the specific needs and challenges of countries in the Region. WHO also support countries to achieve better health outcomes through technical and policy advice, development of norms and standards, generation and sharing of knowledge and convening health partners. Together with countries, they attain health objectives by supporting national health policies and strategies.

WHO main areas of work include health sector development, combating diseases – infectious diseases like tuberculosis and Human Immune Deficiency Virus, and non-infectious diseases like heart disease, diabetes and cancer. WHO prepare for and rapidly respond to disasters and emergencies and help mothers and children survive and thrive, so they can look forward to a healthy old age.

WHO staff are united in a shared commitment to ensuring that all people have access to good quality affordable health care without falling into poverty. This page contains a comprehensive list of WHO country offices for Africa.

World Health Organization Regional Office for Africa

Address: Cité du Djoué, P.O. Box 06 Brazzaville, Republic of Congo
Tel: +(47 241) 39402
Fax: +(47 241) 39503
Email: afrgocom@who.int
Website: www.afro.who.int


Address: C / O UNDP, PO Box 823 Algiers-Gare, Algiers 16000
Tel: + 213 (0) 2191 2615, + 213 (0) 2191 1141
Fax: + 213 (0) 2191 1686
Email:   afwcoalg@who.int
Country Office Website: www.afro.who.int/fr/countries/algeria


Address: Rua Major Kahangulo, 197 – 7, CP 3243 Telegr UNISANTE Luanda, Angola.
Tel: +244 222 332398, +244 222 394153
Fax: +244 222 332214, (1) 321 9563882
E-mail: afwcoaowr@who.in
Country Office Website: www.afro.who.int/countries/angola


Address: Lot 27, PO Box 918, Cotonou, Benin.
Tel: +229 2130 1907, +229) 2130 1753
Fax: +229 21304208
Email: afbjoms@wims.who.int
Country Office Website: www.afro.who.int/fr/countries/benin


Address: 2nd Floor, MVA Fund Building, Plot 50367, Fairgrounds, PO Box 1355, Gaborone,Botswana
Tel.: +267 3971506, +267 3905593
Fax: +267 3959483
Email: afwcobw@who.int
Country Office Website: www.afro.who.int/countries/botswana

Burkina Faso

Address: 158 Av. Independence, 03 BP 7019, Ouagadougou 03, Burkina Faso
Tel: +226 2530 6509, +226 5030 6565
Fax: +226 5033 2541
Email: afwcobf@who.int
Country Office Website: www.afro.who.int/fr/countries/burkina-faso


Address: Boulevard Uprona-Rochero II, PO Box 1450, Bujumbura
Tel: (257) 23 17 02
Fax: 257231771
Email: afwcobiallomsburundi@who.int
Country Office Website: www.afro.who.int/fr/countries/burundi

Cabo Verde

Address: 266 Praia, the Republic of Cabo Verde
Tel: +238 2601900
Fax: + 238 2621408
Email: cabrala@who.int
Country Office Website: n/a


Address: Boîte postale 155 Yaoundé, Cameroon
Tel: +237 2221 1078
Fax: +237 2221 1077
Email: afwcocm@who.int
Country Office Website: www.afro.who.int/fr/countries/cameroon

Central African Republic

Address: Avenue du Président Gamal Abdel Nasser, Boîte postale 1416 Bangui, Central African Republic
Tel: +236 7214 3425, +236 2161 0288, +236 2161 2375
Fax: +236 2161 0137
Email: afwcocf@who.int
Country Office Website: www.afro.who.int/fr/countries/central-african-republic


Address: Boîte postale 152 N’Djamena, Chad
Telephone: +235 2252 3803
Email: aawrchad@who.int
Country Office Website: www.afro.who.int/fr/countries/chad


Address: United Nations House BP 435, Hamramba Ward, Moroni, Union of Comoros
Tel: 269 73 00 56, 269 73 00 36
Fax: 269 73 18 25
E-mail:  afwcokm@who.int
Country Office Website: www.afro.who.int/fr/countries/comoros


Address: BP 2465, Brazzaville, Avenue Charles de Gaulle (next to the National Laboratory of Public Health), Congo
Tel: +242 666 38329
Email: afwcocg@who.int
Country Office Website: www.afro.who.int/fr/countries/congo

Côte d’Ivoire

Address: 2 Plateaux – Boulevard des Martyrs, 01 BP 2494 Abidjan 01
Tel: +225 22517200
Fax: +225 22517232
Email:  afwcociwr@who.int
Country Office Website: www.afro.who.int/fr/countries/cote-divoire

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Address: Avenue des Cliniques No. 42, Postbox 1899, Kinshasa I, Gombe, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Tel: +47 241 39000
Fax: +47 241 39070
Email:  afwcocd@who.int
Country Office Website: www.afro.who.int/fr/countries/democratic-republic-congo

Read Also: World Health Organization (WHO) Country Offices and Contact Details

Equatorial Guinea

Address: PO Box 330 Malabo, Equatorial Guinea
Tel: +240 222 273908, +240 093234
Fax: +240 093236
Email: afwcogq@who.int
Country Office Website: www.afro.who.int/fr/countries/equatorial-guinea


Address: Adi Yakob street No. 173, House No. 88/89, Geza Banda, P.O.BOX 5561, Asmara
Tel: +291 112 4485, +291 111 4171, +291 111 4175, +291 111 4167
Fax: +291 112 5155
Teleconference GPN: 34439
Email: afwcoerbill@who.int
Country Office Website: www.afro.who.int/countries/eritrea


Address: 2nd Floor, Lilunga House, Somhlolo Road, PO Box 903 Mbabane
Tel: +268 404 4698, +268 404 2928, +268 240 42928
Fax: +268 240 44566
Email: thwalat@who.int
Country Office Website: www.afro.who.int/countries/eswatini


Address: Menelik Avenue, PO Box 3069, Addis-Ababa
Tel: +251 11 553 4777, +251 11 551 4265
Fax: +251 11 551 4037
Email: afwcoet@who.int, afwcoetcommunication@who.int
Country Office Website: www.afro.who.int/countries/ethiopia


Address: Building Batavéa – Independence Boulevard, BP: 820 – Libreville, Gabon
Tel: + 241 740140, + 241 740141
Fax: + 241 740142
E-mail:  afgawco@who.int
Country Office Website: www.afro.who.int/fr/countries/gabon


Address: Private Mail Bag 170, Banjul
Tel: +220 4462283, +220 4462284, +220 4462286
Fax: (220) 446 22 89
E-mail: afgawco@who.int
Country Office Website: www.afro.who.int/countries/gambia


Address: No. 7 Ameda Street, Roman Ridge, Accra   (Close to Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA) office), PO Box M.B.142, Accra
Digital Address: GA-089-9979.
Tel: +233 302 763918-9, 774725, 774643, 774719, 769319
Fax: (233)21763920
E-mail: afwcogh@who.int
Country Office Website: www.afro.who.int/countries/ghana


Address: Camayenne, North Corniche (near the Camayenne Hotel) Postbox 817, Conakry
Tel: +224 6021 2046, +224 6235 0047
E-mail:  afwcognwr@who.int
Country Office Website: www.afro.who.int/fr/countries/guinea


Address: Avenue Pansau Na Isna, BP 177 CODEX – 1011 – BISSAU
Tel: +2453211280, +245 3204403
Fax: +245 320 1179
Email:  afwcogwbill@who.int
Country Office Website: www.afro.who.int/pt/countries/guinea-bissau


Address: 45335 Nairobi, Kenya,
Tel: +254 20 2717902
Email: afkenwr@who.int
Country Office Website: www.afro.who.int/countries/kenya


Address: 1st Floor UN House,  P.O. Box 214,  Maseru, 100
Tel: +266 2231 2122
Fax: +266 2231 0213
E-mail: afwcols@who.int
Country Office Website: www.afro.who.int/countries/lesotho


Address: Avenue Mamba, P.O. Box 316, Monrovia
Tel: (231) 88 651 68 03
E-mail: wholiberia@who.int
Country Office Website: www.afro.who.int/countries/liberia


Address: BP 362 Common House of the United Nations, Enclosure Galaxy, Andraharo, Antananarivo, Madagascar,
Tel: + 261 20 23 355 55 (Direct), +261 32 03 303 00 (Mobile)
E-mail:  afwcomgallstaff@who.int
Country Office Website: www.afro.who.int/fr/countries/madagascar


Address: ADL House, City Centre, P.O. Box 30390, Lilongwe 3, Malawi
Tel: +265 1772 755
Fax: +265 1772 350
Email: afwcomw@who.int
Country Office Website: www.afro.who.int/countries/malawi


Address: District Ntomiboro- Bougou, BP 99 Bamako
Tel: +223 22 24 683, +223 22 23 714
Fax: +223 22 22 335
E-mail:  afwcoml@who.int
Country Office Website: www.afro.who.int/fr/countries/mali


Address: ILOT K 140-141 Tevragh-Zeina, West Corniche Road
Tel: +222 4525 2402, +222 4529 5225
E-mail:  afwcomr@who.int
Country Office Website: www.afro.who.int/fr/countries/mauritania


Address: 1st Floor Anglo Mauritius House 1, Intendance Street, Port Louis, PO Box 1194 Port Louis, Tel: +230 210 7300, +230 210 7400, +230 210 1899
Fax: (230)2106474
E-mail: afwcomuremit@who.int
Country Office Website: www.afro.who.int/countries/mauritius


Address: Rua Joseph Kizerbo, 227, P.O. Box 377, Maputo, Mozambique
Tel: +258 (21) 49 27 32, +258 (21) 49 21 65, +258 82 301 0710 (Mobile)
GPN: 36 821
Email: afwcomz@who.int
Country Office Website: www.afro.who.int/pt/countries/mozambique


Address: UN House, 2nd Floor, 38 Stein Street, Klein Windhoek, P.O. Box 3444, Windhoek, Namibia
Tel: +264 61255121, +264 61255191
Fax: +264 61229825
E-mail: afwcona@who.int
Country Office Website: www.afro.who.int/countries/namibia


Address: Tillabery Road Yantala Niamey District, BP 10739 Niamey
Tel: +227 20 75 21 33
Fax: +227 20 75 20 41
E-mail:  afwcone@who.int
Country Office Website: www.afro.who.int/fr/countries/niger


Address: 4th Floor, United Nations House, Plot 617/618 Central Area District, PMB 2861, Abuja, Nigeria
Tel: +234 (0) 946 28 900
E-mail:  afwcongregistrystaff@who.int,  afwcongwho@who.int
Country Office Website: www.afro.who.int/countries/nigeria


Address: Ebenezer House, Boulevard of Umuganda, P.O. Box 1324, Kigali, Rwanda
Tel: (Reception) + 250 788307870; 280300507, (International D/L) +47 241 35201, (Cell) +250 788300989
E-mail: mwingak@who.int
Country Office Website: www.afro.who.int/countries/rwanda

Sao Tome and Principe

Address: Avenida 12 de Julho, PO Box 287, Sao Tome
Tel: +239 2 22 957
Fax: +239 2 21 766
E-mail:  afwcost@who.int
Country Office Website: www.afro.who.int/fr/countries/sao-tome-and-principe


Address: Almadies, Lot Ngor-Extension Zone 10, Lot N ° 19, PO Box 4039 ,Dakar
Tel: +221 33 8695930
Fax: +221 33 8204314
E-mail:  afwcosn@who.int
Country Office Website: www.afro.who.int/fr/countries/senegal


Address: MOH Compound, Mont Fleuri, Box 1217, Victoria, Mahe. Seychelles.
Tel: +248 224 656, +248 424 806, +248 224 795
Fax.: +248 225 754 GPN:37214
Email: whoseychelles@who.int
Country Office Website: www.afro.who.int/countries/seychelles

Sierra Leone

Address: 21A&B Riverside Drive, Off King Harman Road, P.O. Box 529, Freetown, Sierra Leone
Tel: +41 22 79 12 100, +232 7677 7878
Country Office Website: www.afro.who.int/countries/sierra-leone

South Africa

Address: PO Box 13113 7th Floor, Metropark Building, 351 Francis Baard Street Pretoria, South Africa
Tel: +27 12 3057709
Fax: +27 12 3057729
Email: afwcozawr@who.int
Country Office Website: www.afro.who.int/countries/south-africa

South Sudan

Address: Juba, South Sudan
Tel: +211 925000033
Email: afwcosswho@who.int
Country Office Website: www.afro.who.int/countries/south-sudan


Address: 54 QAD, Adame Street, BP 1504, Lomé
Tel: +228 22 22 42 92, +228 22 21 33 60
Fax: +228 22 21 78 32
E-mail:  afwcotg@who.int
Country Office Website: www.afro.who.int/fr/countries/togo


Address: Plot 60 Prince Charles Avenue, P.O Box 24578, Kololo, Kampala
Tel: +256 414 335500, +256 313 335500
E-mail: nyangomao@who.int, afcougwrsec@who.int
Country Office Website: www.afro.who.int/countries/uganda

United Republic of Tanzania

Address: P.O. Box 9292, Dar Es Salaam.
Tel: +255 22 2116412, +255 22 2113005, +255 22 2111718
Fax: +255 22 2113180
Email: afwcotz@who.int
Country Office Website: www.afro.who.int/countries/united-republic-tanzania


Address: Plot 4609 UN Annex Building, Corner Andrew Mwenya/Beit Road, oadspark, PO Box 32346, Lusaka
Tel: +260 211 255322, +260 211 255336, +260 211 255398
GPN: 37600
E-mail:  afwcozmregistry@who.int
Country Office Website: www.afro.who.int/countries/zambia


Address: 82 – 86 Enterprise road, cnr Glenara avenue, Highlands, P.O. Box CY 348, Causeway, Harare, Zimbabwe
Tel: +263 772 155 629-32, +263 772 161 792-93
Fax: +263 4 746 127, +263 4 253 731/32
Email:  okellod@who.int
Country Office Website: www.afro.who.int/countries/zimbabwe

This article ” World Health Organization (WHO) African Region Country Offices ” contains a  comprehensive list of World Health Organization (WHO) African Region Country Offices. This article also contains contact details of World Health Organization (WHO) African Region Country Offices. Related Keywords: World Health Organization (WHO) African Region Country Offices, WHO regional office for Africa location, what is the WHO African region, WHO regional offices, World Health Organization (WHO) African Region Country Offices, WHO regional committee for Africa 2019, www aho afro WHO, https analytics afro who int whoethiopia, who regional office for south-east Asia, WHO african region twitter, World Health Organization (WHO) African Region Country Offices

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